Prologue[edit | edit source]
Prior to Germania, Coyotae, now known as ValterManzotti or just Valter, formed many groups. His first was the New German Empire, which at one point made an immense profit and rallied large numbers of manpower. This was defeated by Aleczaender's Korea in 2019. Coyotae quit war-groups, and focused on the clothing-industry, where he could avoid drama and warfare. Successful, Coyotae formed Gucci, which became the largest and most active clothing group on Roblox. This group lasted awhile, bringing in tens thousands of USD worth of money to Coyotae, and bringing in large numbers. Coyotae however, lacked the charismatic personality to retain loyalists, and after a drama involving IPs getting leaked, lost a large group of his base who destroyed his group, many of them identifying with the LGBTQ+ community. In the aftermath, Coyotae became depressed and moved on, until he remade a new German Empire group, where he would meet Aleczaender once again. Aleczaender helped Coyotae build-up his German Empire, forming an organization called the 'Order'. The German Empire though it was semi-successful in activity, would eventually fail to content-deletion, resulting in Coyotae once again going inactive for awhile, but remained in contact with Aleczaender as a friend. Coyotae, interested in a new group idea by Aleczaender, was eventually approached and convinced to start the group known as 'The Greater Robloxian Confederation'.
The Greater Robloxian Confederation[edit | edit source]
The Greater Robloxian Confederation was a group idea masterminded by Aleczaender, figureheaded by BugRichterian, later TrajanRichterian, and implemented by Coyotae. The idea was to be loosely based off of a 'more-imperialistic Weimar Republic' which highlighted a focus on political power and factions vying to take power. The military would be encouraged to start coups, elections with parties would be enabled, and violence between paramilitaries and crime-families would be permitted. By giving players the ambition of taking power through their own groups, it provided a fun and potentially addicting experience. The plan was all going accordingly, Bug was lined up to be the next Successor after Ethan, and the plan was after he took power to endorse GRC, and put Bug as the Emperor. However, Ethan would be coup'd by Arxillium who claimed he could be a far more active and authoritative leader, throwing the plan into the wrench. Arxillium nonetheless complied with Aleczaender's wishes, promising loyalty and listening to his advice. They would then join GRC, placing Arxillium at a rank under Bug, and keeping Bug at Emperor. Arxillium however would demand Bug to handover Emperor, since Arxillium was the new Richterian Dynasty head, and Bug was meant to be loyal to whatever Arxillium wanted. This conflicted with Aleczaender's plan, however Aleczaender was absent at a Christmas-tree cutdown, henceforth the two butted heads and Bug was exiled from the Richterians, and formed his own political faction within GRC.
By time Aleczaender arrived, it was too late and the two factions had formed. Aleczaender, thinking quickly, decided to tolerate this with a new idea. Aleczaender didn't exactly trust Arxillium in his position of power, and because he was unsure of him having total power being a bad idea, enjoyed the idea of having a controlled-opposition. Citing the Clone Wars as a reference, Bug would act as the 'HadrianSolum' of the Richterians, however this time he would have a claimant to the Successorship. After all, Richard and Aleczaender both agreed that at some point, Bug would make a good Successor. On the other hand, Arxillium claimed he was more legitimate because Ethan handed the authentic Richterian Dynasty to him. Unbeknownst to Arxillium, the real Richterian Dynasty was still held by Aleczaender, and was never given. Nonetheless, the conflict spiraled, and Bug was given the lesser end of the stick later down the road, receiving Archduke as Arxillium received Emperor. Aleczaender permitted this to happen, in hopes Arxillium would trust in him. This also occurred because of Bug's failure at first to rally greater numbers than Arxillium, and his inactivity due to Aleczaender's advice to focus more on his life then pursue Roblox. This plan was almost regretted after Arxillium allowed an admin-attack to take place on Bug's party, the Robloxian People's Party. Arxillium's party, the Robloxian Richterian Party, would hence grow in numbers as the more legitimate, and more competent party, striking a massive blow.
Very few Richterists took Bug's side in this conflict initially, however Aleczaender often argued with Arxillium that his tactics were too harsh, and he needed to go easier on Bug, hinting that keeping him around as an opposition would be good optics for control. Arxillium was against this, claiming that he needed total-control, not trusting in Aleczaender's plan. Because of Arxillium's lack of faith in Aleczaender's judgement, Aleczaender prevented Coyotae from giving Arxillium the higher end of the stick towards the end of the conflict. A trial commenced on Arxillium for the admin attack earlier that month, which was ddosed allegedly by Ramses on the orders of Arxillium. Development was halted, nobody could resolve differences, and Arxillium resorted to threatening to leave the GRC if Bug wasn't vanquished, whilst Bug threatened that he was a founder of the GRC, and that removing him would result in "a destruction far worse then Richard could muster". Aleczaender found it impossible to favor any of the sides, as both were too unstable to be a legitimate leader, henceforth at times favoring one side over the other and vice-versa to ensure control. Coyotae, citing development and drama as the reasons, would eventually shutdown the GRC, rendering everything for nothing. The threat of ddosing put the final nail the coffin to create any large empires ever again. Despite this, Coyotae attempted his hand at few games that had front-page potential, and invested into the gambling industry, earning himself a job and making good money. After Coyotae was able to regain a lot of his funding, he went back to Aleczaender with a new group idea - a nation-state like once before. Aleczaender was against this idea, but when Coyotae revealed the hundreds of thousands in funding that he had, Aleczaender said that this could work, declaring the need for a group like GRC to be invalid.
Germania: Rise and Fall[edit | edit source]
Germania emerged as a highly-anticipated project, eagerly positioned as the heir to GRC's legacy. Its foundation rested on the ambitious notion of becoming the "ultimate World War II group," a vision that, in practice, proved to be an elusive dream. The group was led by ErickManzotti (formerly BugRichterian), DomitianManzotti, and ValterManzotti. Aleczaender, though he was retired, was paid as a developer, uniform-maker, and advisor in the background. He assisted the drafting in many documents produced for the armed forces, and masterminded the vision that would be behind Germania. After months of progress, Aleczaender revealed to his supermassive discord server, the Vibe Tribe, the upcoming project, being the first time Aleczaender openly endorsed a Roblox project since retirement. Arxillium was frustrated with this move, as it'd force him to work with Valter and Erick again. This led to Arxillium eventually removing Aleczaender from the Inner Circle, and slowly removing loyalists to Aleczaender. Arxillium had already started doing this since his Korea 2022, but it took full effect after Germania was revealed.
Upon its debut, Germania garnered substantial attention, buoyed by ample resources and grand ambitions. It was overhyped, and at the expense of the players having to wait several months for Germania to launch, mimicking what happened in GRC. Worse, Arxillium blacklisted the group and would not let any of his members join, resulting in Aleczaender to officially start supporting Bug's faction over Arxillium's. At first, most of Arxillium's Richterians stood steadfast with Aleczaender, but as Aleczaender exposed more and more of the behind the scenes of Arxillium's scum, more individuals favored his side over the other. Loyalists began asking questions, and members of Arxillium's Inner Circle suggested on forming their own documents to replace Aleczaender's. Arxillium totally removed any text referencing Aleczaender from all of his groups and games, crediting him for everything good that happened over the past few years. This forced many members to join Germania as time went on, and side with Erick.
However, not everyone liked Erick, and within Erick's Richterian Dynasty arose internal conflict. Ausie led a group called Richteria, a group that was seperate from Arxillium, rallying the 'Monkey Crew' as his manpower. This group, however successful initially, would be coup'd by JuliusRichterian, who had a brighter vision for Richterism that Aleczaender endorsed. Erick throughout all of this, as he was too busy with real life, let this happened, and submitted to the new leadership on the advice of Aleczaender. While Germania was in development, Julius proposed the idea of doing a Socialist-Prussian state dubbed Kalinia. Kalinia was short-lived, and never even launched, as the development took so long Germania finished development for it's main game. A training map was created for Germania, which garnered small activity for a little bit, but was eventually shutdown to preserve hype for the primary game.
Valter would plan many launch-dates; first Halloween, then the weekend before Thanksgiving, then Thanksgiving break. However, Valter put no effort into development. The Richterians rushed into action, as Domitian spearheaded an effort to launch Germania as Valter lazily sat by. When the launch-date arrived, the map still wasn't finished, with some of the scripts that took hours of time somehow breaking mid-launch. Updates were rushed up, but at the cost of breaking more scripts and builds. Worse, not as many people arrived at the launch, and without Valter, advertisements weren't possible. Domitian's inexperience with leading groups combined with the confusion of the rest of the leadership led to everyone giving up very early in. Despite the initial enthusiasm, Valter's leadership faced a formidable challenge during the tumultuous launch phase, ultimately falling short of the members' expectations. This initial disappointment set in motion a gradual decline, ultimately marking the demise of Germania. Sometime after its release, its main map would be leaked. Germania has since become inactive and as of 2023 is no longer active.
The Controversies[edit | edit source]
The heart of Germania's story is punctuated by controversies, particularly surrounding the game's development and the development team, which many believe contributed significantly to the group's downfall. Development at first was primarily Valter, Domitian, and Harry. Valter felt that he alone could build Germania all by himself. As the months went by, Valter finally hired a builder and a scripter, paying them the first month. However, his delays in paying his developers resulted in unfinished work, delays, and Valter eventually hiring volunteers to do free work.
The map created for Germania was undeniably impressive, earning accolades as one of the best in terms of art. Yet, the mechanics aspect fell woefully short, plagued by glitches and technical issues that marred the player experience upon launch. The disappointing state of the game development left many questioning the quality of the map itself despite it's profound assets. Essentially, it vindicated Aleczaender that spending hundreds of dollars on assets and minimalizing scripting and mechanics was a nail in the coffin for any group wishing to be successful, and was further vindicated later by the Octavian Civil War community - masterminded by Aleczaender.
Furthermore, the discontent among members was exacerbated by issues within the development team, notably in the case of Iaxivers. Iaxivers, primarily a builder, found himself without proper compensation for his work. This lack of a structured system only fueled the members within the group to be discouraged. Another was Earn, who built an interior for the recruitment office, was also unpaid, resulting in him leaking Germania's map. Some developers that worked alongside Iaxivers and Earn argue that they didn't do enough work to deserve payment. It is debated to this day - nonetheless agreed on that the downfall of Germania was Valter's fault.
Germania's story serves as a cautionary tale, a vivid example of the consequences of mismanagement and the critical importance of clear planning and effective leadership. It showed that, even if the masses were dedicated enough to deliver on the vision of a project; if the visionary himself is absent, then the rest of the project becomes unclear and off course. Most groups after Germania took Aleczaender's advice seriously, and made sure to implement his suggestions as to not repeat what happened in Germania.